Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Panel links fee to amenities

June 16: An expert panel has asked the state government to set up a regulatory commission to fix fee in schools based on the facilities provided by the managements. This will prevent school managements from distressing parents by increasing the fee according to their whims.
“The committee has insisted that representatives of parents be made members of the regulatory commission which would work at the state level and in all the districts, said Mr Gowrishankar, assistant director and convener of the expert panel on school fee.
Regulatory commissions controlling professional colleges providing engineering and medicine courses have already been termed a success.
Another recommendation of the committee is that fee structure fixed by the regulatory commission shall be in vogue for three years. The committee also put a ceiling of 10 per cent profit and recommended that student strength be restricted to 1,300. School managements shall first submit a proposal on how much fee they intend to collect along with audit reports detailing the maintenance cost, salaries and other expenditure.
Further, they shall give details of facilities provided including playground, benches, tables, fans, toilets, drinking water sources and other amenities.“We will conduct physical inspections to verify the claims,” said the committee, which classified schools into three categories A, B and C.
The eight-member panel consisted of five IAS officials, a representative from Chinmaya Vidya Mission, Chennai, Mrs Usha Kanda, wife of former chief secretary, Mr Mohan Kanda, and Mr Narayana Reddy, principal of a school in Warangal.

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