Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Delhi Public School,Kalyanpur,Kanpur

Please do come in numbers for the meeting on 14 June, 2009 @ 3.3 PM (this Sunday).
AT CheckMate (Near Raina Market)


Anonymous said...

It is very fine to form an Association of sensitive parents of Kanpur , Because school management never invite any suggestion from Parents also not easily available for parents . Its quite unfortunate in Indian education they cash parents sentiments through childs.only moto to eran money bu all means ,i.e. school fee, travel,books,extra activities,games ,fun etc School management must published school balance sheet in prospectus every year,alongwith amt. paid to the teachers......................................................................... so ,they try to start thinking on Humanity , as ; VIDYA DAAN KAREN ; these schools or institutes are formed on, No profit no loss basis . What^s happening in education systems think over it

Anil katiyar said...

Schools are now most profitable white collar business in Manmohan singh Democracy nobody can dare to enquires about yearly fee increment rates compare to child development they only multiply the moey exponentially.