Friday, May 22, 2009
सीबीएसई बताएगी कौन सा स्कूल कितना
सीबीएसई के चेअरमन विनीत जोशी ने बताया कि कमिटी में आईआईएम बेंगलुरु, नैक, यूजीसी और सीबीएसई के प्रतिनिधि शामिल हैं। उनका कहना है कि ग्रेडिंग का आधार स्कूलों की क्वॉलिटी एजुकेशन, टीचर- स्टूडंट रेश्यो, इंफ्रास्ट्रक्च&# 2352;, टीचिंग रहेगा। चेअरमन जोशी के मुताबिक अगले ऐकडेमिक सेशन से ग्रेडिंग शुरू की जा सकती है और इसके लिए पहले स्कूलों में आम सहमति बनाए जाने का कोशिश भी की जा रही है।
ग्रेडिंग का ब्लूप्रिंट स्कूलों को भी भेजा जाएगा और फर्स्ट फेज में सीबीएसई से संबद्ध प्राइवट स्कूल ही इस प्रोसेस में शामिल किए जाएंगे। उन्होंने बताया कि स्कूलों की ग्रेडिंग की प्रक्रिया और गाइडलाइंस पर अंतिम फैसला कमिटी की रिपोर्ट के बाद ही लिया जाएगा। किस पॉइंट को कितना महत्व मिले, कमिटी इन सब बातों पर गौर करेगी। सीबीएसई ने साफ कर दिया है कि ग्रेडिंग सिस्टम का मकसद केवल यह बताना है कि स्कूलों में एजुकेशन का स्टैंडर्ड क्या है और पेरंट्स को स्कूल की सही जानकारी मिल सके।
जानकारों के मुताबिक यह कदम बेहतर साबित होगा और स्कूलों में सुधार की प्रक्रिया भी तेज हो सकेगी। सरकारी स्कूलों की ग्रेडिंग के बारे में सीबीएसई का कहना है कि प्राइवट स्कूलों पर प्रयोग किए जाने के बाद ही इसे आगे बढ़ाया जा सकता है। स्कूलों के बीच इस सिस्टम को लेकर जागरूकता पैदा करने के लिए सीबीएसई एक अभियान भी चलाएगी और स्कूलों को इस सिस्टम के फायदे के बारे में बताया जाएगा।
सीबीएसई का मानना है कि सुधार की प्रक्रिया हमेशा चलती रहनी चाहिए और यह कदम इसी को ध्यान में रखकर उठाया जा रहा है। गौरतलब है कि नैक तमाम यूनिवर्सिटियों और कॉलिजों को ग्रेडिंग देती है और इससे उस शिक्षण संस्थान की एक पब्लिक इमिज बनती है।
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Frightening but Who Cares - School fees Hike!
Yesterday again there was a talk about the frightening topic, "School Fee Hike. Two months ago too there were two articles in about months back in news papers which would drag the attention of the Public. One was a sweetener and other one was definitely bitter. Reduction of fuel prices though expected still gotten smile, joy and happiness in the public face. This happiness has been shattered and over shadowed by the hike in the School Fees. To add to the public woos some of the statements like “in case parents are in capable to afford this hike; then they should not be sending their children to private schools”. This very statement creates many questions; first, what prompts the parent feel that private schools are better? Why can’t government own public schools are better? Though there would be audits to Schools’ books of account, does any one in the government look into the details and number of times the hikes are carried out during the year and also in addition to school fees how much other additional expenses/charges are levied to the parents? Its recession and every one of us are getting impacted by this in some form or other; but schools have added to the woos of the middle class in particular by hiking their fees to their own limits and they have kept on doing every year, every year during the beginning of the session schools charge additional thousands in the form Building fund besides normal hike in the fee structure. Over and above the fees, there expenses on the Books and other school material which always raises alarm in the mind of parents for the amount charged to procure them at the beginning of the year and they some time continue to demand more stating price rise of the schools. The gist of these examples is to prompt and request our government to consider all these points and still if they feel they should release aids to these schools out of the public money. A salaried person has always thought that since he/she is paying such a hefty tax, post that government would help them to live the life humanly but this is yet to happen. It’s a sincere request to the government that they should intervene in these maters positively, while parents would always be ready to pay a price to get the best of education for their children however there has to be some scale with authorities till what extent price should be paid. In case still government feels that the schools demands are realistic and logical then they should help the citizens by some form, so that brunt is felt to minimum.
Essentials for a School Bus as ordered by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India
2. If it is a hired bus, "On School Duty" should be clearly indicated
3. Bus must have a First-Aid-Box.
4. The windows of Bus must be fitted with horizontal grills.
5. There must be a Fire Extinguisher in the Bus.
6. School Name and Telephone No. must be written on the Bus.
7. The doors of the Bus should be fitted with reliable locks.
To keep School Bags safely, there should be a space fitted under the seats.
There must be an Attendant from the School in the Bus.
Any parent/guardian or a teacher may also travel to ensure these safety norms.
The above mentioned points as directed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India are mandatory for all school buses. For further details, School managements can contact their nearest Traffic Inspector.
Delhi Public School,Kalyanpur,Kanpur
AT CheckMate (Near Raina Market)
Parents are Requested to update the Database
Name of the Parent in full
Name of the child in full
Class & Section
Contact Number (Mobile preferred)
Email ID
Profession : Teacher/Lawyer / IT / Telecom / Banker / CA / Business /
Real Estate (specify please) etc
This is critical & important for the association to bee intouch with all the members, at all times.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
DPS Kalyanpur Parents Welfare Association,Kanpur
Introductory Message
Clarifications to all Friends
- Our association has been formed with only one goal behind all of us is to make our school the best in the city.
- Today it has formed out of necessity that demands role back of fee, doesn't mean we're dead against the school management or any one else
- We're now a group of over +500 parents & each one of us come with our individual strengths & from different walks of life's, which pooled together can only make OUR SCHOOL THE BEST
- No matter what our personal views are end goal for the team is to make school management take parents & teachers into confidence & achieve the results with mutual trust & faith.
- As mentioned, every individual has their own style of functioning & approach towards the goal & if there are differently viewed friends, it doesn't matter if not today tomorrow they'll follow the best of our contributions.
- No mole, spy, management agents etc words here, after all we're in the same family .
- Some one having personal agenda in unison with our larger agenda are welcome but not one's selfish interests, because we have joined hands, braved every odd & are focused on our goals. Lets not have any individualistic or personal comments & just remember we're all in the family.
- All coments & suggestions are welcome & we standby for working in open trust & faith with all transperency & every information is made public.
Jai Ho !!!
Association Committee
- Shiven Kulshreshtha - President 9335528625
- Anurag Singh -G.S. 9415487623
- Sanjay Singh - 9336852303
- Umang Agrawal -9336104144
- Atul Awasthi - 9412188325
- Rahul Mittal - 9935507653
- Rekha Khejariwal - 9415132749
- A.K.Singh - 9453480898
- N.P.Singh - 9415044389